stripy or plain wool watch hat
stripy cotton watch hat, stripy 50/50 wool/acryliq watch hat

French watch hats, with stripes or plain, for men, women and kids.

Pure wool watch hats,
Cotton watch hats
50/50 wool/acrylic watch hats

genuine traditional breton watch hat. wool watch hat
BONNET WOOL WATCH HAT ( men, women, kids )

Cream with navy stripes
Navy with cream stripes
Navy with red stripes
Plain Navy
Plain Red
Plain Cream
CARTIER Wool and Acrylic watch hat ( men, women, kids )

White with navy stripes
Navy with white stripes
Navy with red stripes
Plain Navy
Plain Red
nautical breton cotton striped watch hat
SURCOUF Cotton watch hat (men, women, kids )

Cream with navy stripes cotton watch hat
Navy with cream stripes cotton watch hat


shipping costs by post (signature delivery):

European Union €15

OTHER COUNTRIES: from € 16 according weight

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